Labor Law Attorneys Serving Clients in Cleveland and Akron
Protecting Employers in Summit County and throughout Ohio
Are you a non-unionized or a unionized employer? If your employees are not organized, and you want to remain that way, we can help. If your workforce is represented by one or more unions, we can assist you in a variety of ways, including collective bargaining, defense against charges of unfair labor practices, and arbitration.
Salsbury & Salsbury, LPA emphasizes that there is always more than one way to solve the problem at hand. We work in partnership with our clients to create strategies that are effective – in cost and in results. Contact our office by e-mail or call 330-655-5760 to schedule a confidential consultation.
Our Labor Law Practice
- Collective bargaining. We analyze and negotiate contracts between your company and your employees' representative, optimizing your interests in compensation and benefits, and minimizing union involvement in the day-to-day operations of your company. We partner with management operations, finance and HR to creatively containing key labor cost drivers, such as wages, paid time off, and health care.
- Unfair labor practices. We understand the National Labor Relations Act. We defend employers against unfair labor practice charges, from allegations of interference with protected concerted activity, to retaliation, to failing to engage in good faith collective bargaining. We represent employers in proceedings before administrative law judges and the National Labor Relations Board (the "NLRB"), as well as in proceedings in the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
- Arbitration. Collective bargaining agreements typically require that unresolved disputes be resolved through binding arbitration. Our attorneys are experienced in protecting the rights of management in arbitration.
To arrange a confidential consultation, contact our office by e-mail or call 330-655-5760. We offer flexible hours to accommodate your needs.